818-435-7847 info@banyantherapy.com


by | Jul 11, 2017 | Partner Resources, Sex Addiction Resources, Survey

by Dan Drake, LMFT, LPCC, CCPS-S, CSAT-S


I’m working with a couple of colleagues on a new resource for partners and addicts on therapeutic disclosure.  We’re excited about what we think can be a valuable resource in preparing for disclosures.

We’d like to make it as helpful a guide as possible, so we NEED YOUR HELP!  If you have gone through a formal disclosure, whether receiving the disclosure or giving the disclosure, we would love your feedback.  Your responses will give us valuable information and also will help give support to others who will be going through this process in the future.

Please help us by filling out the following surveys:

For partners, or those who have received the disclosure, click HERE for your survey

 For addicts, or those who have given the disclosure, click HERE for your survey


Thanks in advance for the help!