If someone is in or has been in a relationship with someone who is a narcissist, they may be experiencing something called Narcissistic Victim Syndrome as a result of domestic violence in their relationship. Narcissists often look charming on the outside but commonly cause great pain and trauma for their partner. Narcissists may be emotionally and psychologically abusive by intentionally attempting to destroy their partner’s confidence, sense of self-worth, and reputation for their own gain. Some abusive tactics narcissists may use include: playing mind games, cheating, gaslighting, attempting to isolate their partner from supportive people, lying, manipulating, blaming, projecting, name calling, intimidation, and withholding.
Narcissistic Victim Syndrome is a set of symptoms that some partners experience due to ongoing abuse from Narcissistic partners. According to NarcissisticVictimSyndrome.com, some of the symptoms one may experience who is suffering from Narcissistic Victim Syndrome may include: “Fog, pacing, confusion, ‘loss of self’, panic attacks, angry outbursts, insomnia, weight gain or weight loss, obsessive thoughts, rapid heart rate, muscle aches, throwing up, getting sick, desiring death, possibly suicidal, no interest in previous interests or even loved ones, blaming self, second guessing self, may seem desperate and trying to reach for help, fear of Narcissist annihilating them.” Abuse endured by partners of a narcissist is often incredibly traumatic and greatly impacts one’s sense of self-worth and confidence.
Learn more about the abuse cycle of Narcissistic Victim Syndrome:
The Cycle of Abuse in Narcissist Victim Syndrome
Managing Symptoms:
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of Narcissistic Victim Syndrome, you’re not alone. There IS help. For some tips on grounding, read our blog: Grounding for Partners of Sex Addicts.
If you’re a partner of a sex addict, here are some other supportive articles:
Female Partners of Sex Addicts: It’s Not Her Fault
Staying after Infidelity: The New Scarlet Letter